Online or onsite, instructor-led live ML.NET training courses demonstrate through interactive hands-on practice how to use ML.NET machine learning models to automatically derive projections from executed data analysis for enterprise applications..
ML.NET training is available as "online live training" or "onsite live training". Online live training (aka "remote live training") is carried out by way of an interactive, remote desktop. Västra Götaland onsite live ML.NET trainings can be carried out locally on customer premises or in NobleProg corporate training centers.
This instructor-led, live training in Västra Götaland (online or onsite) is aimed at data scientists and developers who wish to use ML.NET machine learning models to automatically derive projections from executed data analysis for enterprise applications.By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
Install ML.NET and integrate it into the application development environment.
Understand the machine learning principles behind ML.NET tools and algorithms.
Build and train machine learning models to perform predictions with the provided data smartly.
Evaluate the performance of a machine learning model using the ML.NET metrics.
Optimize the accuracy of the existing machine learning models based on the ML.NET framework.
Apply the machine learning concepts of ML.NET to other data science applications.
Online ML.NET training in Västra Götaland, ML.NET training courses in Västra Götaland, Weekend ML.NET courses in Västra Götaland, Evening ML.NET training in Västra Götaland, ML.NET instructor-led in Västra Götaland, ML.NET trainer in Västra Götaland, ML.NET boot camp in Västra Götaland, Weekend ML.NET training in Västra Götaland, ML.NET on-site in Västra Götaland, Evening ML.NET courses in Västra Götaland, ML.NET classes in Västra Götaland, ML.NET coaching in Västra Götaland, ML.NET one on one training in Västra Götaland, Online ML.NET training in Västra Götaland, ML.NET instructor-led in Västra Götaland, ML.NET private courses in Västra Götaland, ML.NET instructor in Västra Götaland