Course Outline
- Flutter vs other cross-platform frameworks
- Overview of Flutter features and architecture
Getting Started
- Installing Flutter
- Setting up the code editor (Android Studio)
- Understanding Dart functions and variables
- Implementing abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism
- Understanding Dart variables and data types
- Understanding Future and Stream
- Unit Tests and Mocks
- Calling native methods
- Clean architecture
- Flavors
- Dart Analyzer and Dart Metrics
- Dependency Injection
Creating Flutter Apps From Scratch
- Creating a Flutter project
- Building app layouts with Material components
- Adding assets and images
- Internationalization
Running and Testing Apps
- Deploying apps to Android devices
- Deploying apps to iOS devices (iPhone or iPad)
- Using Hot Reload and Hot Restart tools
- Using Widgets
- Stateful vs Stateless widgets
- Setting up the project
- Creating a Stateless widget
- Creating a Stateful widget
- Create an animations
Routing and Navigation
- Using BuildRunner package
- Using AutoRoute package
- Create transitions
- Navigation Stack
Databases and other Storages
- Introducing to Hive
- Introducing to SharedPreferences
- Using SQL database
Using Rest Api, Parsing JSONs
- Introducing to http package
- Introducing to Dio package
- parsing JSONs
- Request and Responses
Managing Flutter State
- Introducing the BLoC package
- BLoC implementation
- testing BLoC
Programming Tips and Best Practices
Summary and Conclusion
- Experience with Android and iOS mobile apps development
- Developers
- Programmers
Testimonials (4)
More on the lab.
Sarbin - Cagayan Electric Power And Light Co., Inc.
Course - Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
One on one and discussions about technology and implementation
Peter Roos - Tiqs B.V.
Course - Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
Overall, I enjoyed getting an overall picture of how an application is developed from all aspects. It really opened my eyes to all the levels of its structure. Although it was sometimes an overwhelming amount of information, I really enjoyed getting to "play" in all of the programs used to develop an application. Miguel did an awesome job and I really enjoyed the presentation slides with all the visuals.
Jose Salgado - SEMPCheck Services
Course - Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart
Miguel's knowledge of the subject was extensive. He made the training easy to understand and the flow was balanced; adding on to each section with new features as needed. He covered everything that was asked and answered each and every question thoroughly. It was a very pleasant experience.