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Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
Course Outline
Java 8
- Lambdas
- Predicate
- Generics revisited
- Optional
- Streams
- Date and time API
Spring Framework
- OO principles
- Inversion of Control
- Spring ApplicationContext
- BeanFactory
- XML configuration files
Dependency Injection
- Why dependency injection?
- Injection through setters
- Injection through constructors
- Setters versus constructors
Spring JDBC
- DAO design pattern
- POJO to database mapping
- Database queries
Spring MVC
- MVC design pattern
- DispatcherServlet
- Controllers
- Models
- JSPs
Spring Validation
- Validation mechanisms
- Displaying error messages
35 Hours
Testimonials (1)
In this training we’re not only learned for the fundamental technical knowledge of Java spring/technology and most important things we also gaining the worldly knowledge which you have shared with us during the class.