Course Outline


  • Kubeflow on AWS vs on-premise vs on other public cloud providers

Overview of Kubeflow Features and Architecture

Activating an AWS Account

Preparing and Launching GPU-enabled AWS Instances

Setting up User Roles and Permissions

Preparing the Build Environment

Selecting a TensorFlow Model and Dataset

Packaging Code and Frameworks into a Docker Image

Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster Using EKS

Staging the Training and Validation Data

Configuring Kubeflow Pipelines

Launching a Training Job using Kubeflow in EKS

Visualizing the Training Job in Runtime

Cleaning up After the Job Completes


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of machine learning concepts.
  • Knowledge of cloud computing concepts.
  • A general understanding of containers (Docker) and orchestration (Kubernetes).
  • Some Python programming experience is helpful.
  • Experience working with a command line.


  • Data science engineers.
  • DevOps engineers interesting in machine learning model deployment.
  • Infrastructure engineers interesting in machine learning model deployment.
  • Software engineers wishing to integrate and deploy machine learning features with their application.
 28 Hours

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Price per participant

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