Course Outline
- Introduction to Microservices with Spring Boot
- Overview of Spring Boot
- Introduction to Web services
Spring Boot
- Setting up IDE for a Spring Boot project
- Understanding Spring Boot features
- Using embedded servers
- Exploring Spring Boot actuator
- Using Spring Boot DevTools
Restful Web Service
- Overview of REST
- Working with path variables
- Working with request params
- Using the POST method
- Using the GET method
- Exception handling
- Using the DELETE method
- Content negotiation
- Using data filtering for RESTful services
- Using API versioning
Spring Data JPA
- Overview of JPA
- Setting up JPA
- Creating employee POST methods
- Getting employee data from the database
- Deleting employee data from the database
- Converting the H2 database to the MYSQL database
Spring Security
- Overview of Spring security
- Okta registration and configuration
- API gateway security
- Order service security
- Testing Spring security
Unit Testing
- Configuring order service for testing
- Creating a test method
- Test verification
- Implementing setup methods
- Overview of Docker
- Setting up Docker
- Using Docker
- Overview of Kubernetes components and architecture
- Configuring and using Kubernetes
CI/CD Pipeline
- Overview of CI/CD
- Creating artifact registry
- Creating VM instances
- Using Jenkins pipeline
Summary and Next Steps
- Java development experience
- Experience with Spring Framework
- Java Developers
Testimonials (4)
the technical preparation of teachers
Giorgio - Asystel-BDF S.p.A.
Course - Creating a Service Mesh with Istio and Kubernetes
It was dynamic and very practical, in addition to the fact that a virtual machine was provided to us through a URL
Course - Spring Cloud for Microservices
Practical examples, and open disussions
Nenad Terzic - Пейсейф България ЕООД
Course - Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS
The course was excellent. Our trainer Andreas was very prepared and answered all the questions that we asked. Also he helped us when we have troubles and explained in details when needed. The best course that i have ever been part of.