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Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
Course Outline
Getting Started
- Installation
Tutorials & Examples
- SimpleCV Shell
- SimpleCV Basics
- The Hello World program
- Interacting with the Display
- Loading a Directory of Images
- Macro’s
- Kinect
- Timing
- Detecting a Car
- Segmenting the Image and Morphology
- Image Arithmetic
- Exceptions in Image Math
- Histograms
- Color Space
- Using Hue Peaks
- Creating a Motion Blur Effect
- Simulating Long Exposure
- Chroma Key (Green Screen)
- Drawing on Images in SimpleCV
- Layers
- Marking up the Image
- Text and Fonts
- Making a Custom Display Object
Knowlege of the following languages:
- Python
14 Hours
Testimonials (2)
Trainer was very knowlegable and very open to feedback on what pace to go through the content and the topics we covered. I gained alot from the training and feel like I now have a good grasp of image manipulation and some techniques for building a good training set for an image classification problem.
Anthea King - WesCEF
Course - Computer Vision with Python
I genuinely enjoyed the hands-on approach.