Course Outline


  • What's the point of simulation?
  • Cameo Simulation Tool key features
  • Simulation sample projects
  • Simulation project template
  • Model simulation
    • Activity engine
    • State Machine engine
    • Interaction engine
    • Parametric engine
  • Simulation Configuration

Simulating Activities

  • List of supported/unsupported elements
    • fUML
  • Preparing for simulation
    • defining properties
    • adding opaque behavior
  • Executing simulation
  • Using partitions to represent classifiers

Simulating State Machines

  • List of supported/unsupported elements
  • Preparing for simulation
    • specifying triggers and guards on transitions
    • entry, do, and exit behaviours
    • signals
  • Executing simulation

Simulating Sequence Diagrams

  • List of supported/unsupported elements
  • Preparing for simulation
    • adding opaque behavior
    • configuring a sequence diagram
  • Time constraints
  • Executing simulation

Simulating Parametrics

  • List of supported/unsupported elements
  • Preparing for simulation
    • specifying constraint language
    • value binding
  • Executing simulation

Summary and Conclusion


  • Good understanding of SysML or completion of the "Systems Modeling with SysML" or the "Applying SysML with MAGICDRAW" 3-day courses.
  • Experience with creating SysML models in MagicDraw or Cameo.


  • system analysts
  • business analysts
  • developers
  • testers
  • architects
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)

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