Course Outline

Part I. Squeeze more from Excel

Overview of tools on the Data tab

  • Access to external data - do you really need to visit the bank's website every day to get to know the current exchange rate CHF?
  • Defining connections to external data (Access, Web, Text, XML, ...)
  • Sorting multi-level - the rules and the proper sorting options
  • Efficient Advanced filtering - how to create Strainers having access to the filter criteria
  • Fast text-to-column
  • Delete duplicate data
  • Forcing input the correct data - how to ensure that data were specific format
  • Simulation Analysis - how to prepare a professional presentation of possible scenarios
  • Simulation Analysis - how to estimate the result of the formula
  • Grouping and autokonspekty - how to roll up the rows and columns and show different levels of detail

PivotTable and PivotChart

  • Calculated fields - how to add to the PivotTable field that is not on the sheet
  • Computational elements in the table
  • Grouping data and create professional-looking statements

Part II. Automation ie VBA.


  • Recording and editing macros: Silence on the set - is recording
  • Where to store macros - where best to write macros

Introduction to procedural programming - the necessary basis

  • Sub and Function - how to invoke them and what they are
  • Data Types - what variables are needed and whether it is worth it to declare
  • The conditional statement If ... Then .... ElseIf .... Else .... End If
  • Case statement and the accompanying trap
  • Loop for ... next, loop ... each
  • Loops for ... loop while, until
  • Instructions loop break (exit)

Visual Basic in action

  • Download and upload data to a spreadsheet (Cells, Range)
  • Download and upload data to the user (InputBox, MsgBox)
  • The extent and lifetime of variables
  • Operators and their priorities
  • Useful module options
  • Securing code - code protection from tampering and preview
  • Key Excel objects: Application, Workbook, Workbooks, Worksheet, Worksheets,
  • ThisWorkbook, ActiveWorkbook, ActiveCell, Selection, Range, Cells, ...


  • Immediate window
  • Locals window
  • The processing step - but what to do when something has stopped working
  • Watches
  • Call Stack

Error handling

  • Types of errors and ways to avoid
  • Capturing and handling run-time errors, which is why properly written code can sometimes not work
  • Construction: On Error Resume Next, On Error GoTo label, On Error GoTo 0


At least average knowledge of MS Excel.

 28 Hours

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