Course Outline


Apache Struts 2 Overview

  • What is Apache Struts 2?
  • Apache Struts 2 features

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing and configuring Apache Struts 2
  • Setting up an Apache Tomcat server

Apache Struts 2 Quick Start

  • Creating an application
  • Passing data
  • Creating a custom validator
  • Creating a custom interceptor

Form Handling

  • Validating data
  • Using XML files


  • Connecting the database
  • Using statements

Testing the Application

  • Testing with unit tests and mock tests

Debugging the Application

  • Handling errors

Deploying the Application

  • Deploying a Java MVC web application
  • Hosting a Java MVC application

Securing the Application

  • Hardening a Java MVC application


Summary and Conclusion


  • Java programming experience


  • Web Developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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