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Course Outline
Apache Struts 2 Overview
- What is Apache Struts 2?
- Apache Struts 2 features
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and configuring Apache Struts 2
- Setting up an Apache Tomcat server
Apache Struts 2 Quick Start
- Creating an application
- Passing data
- Creating a custom validator
- Creating a custom interceptor
Form Handling
- Validating data
- Using XML files
- Connecting the database
- Using statements
Testing the Application
- Testing with unit tests and mock tests
Debugging the Application
- Handling errors
Deploying the Application
- Deploying a Java MVC web application
- Hosting a Java MVC application
Securing the Application
- Hardening a Java MVC application
Summary and Conclusion
- Java programming experience
- Web Developers
14 Hours