Course Outline


Installing and Configuring Core Argo Project Tools and Engine

  • Setting up prerequisite Kubernetes tools and system files

Overview of Argo Project Features and Architecture

  • Introduction to Argo Workflows, CD, Rollouts, and Events
  • How are Argo core components aligned with the Git framework?

Overview of Argo CD for Continuous Delivery in Kubernetes

  • Accessing and Logging in to Argo CD Using the CLI
  • Registering Kubernetes clusters

Working with Fundamental Argo CD Tools for Defining Kubernetes Manifests

Creating a Containerized Application via CLI, UI, or Git Repo with Argo CD

  • Syncing and automating application deployment in Argo CD

Overview of Argo Rollouts Feature and Deployment Capabilities

  • How is Rollout different from a Kubernetes Deployment object?

Executing Blue-Green and Canary Deployments using Argo Rollouts

Integrating Argo Rollouts with Networking Components and Metrics

  • Service meshes and ingress controllers for Argo Rollout
  • Employing blue-green and canary deployment metrics

Overview of Argo Workflows Engine for Parallel Jobs Management

  • How do Argo Workflows work on a Kubernetes cluster?
  • Running CI/CD Pipelines on Kubernetes with Workflows

Defining Kubernetes Workflows Steps as Containers

Overview of Argo Events for Operating Kubernetes Dependencies

  • Working with sources supported by Argo Events

Defining and Triggering Kubernetes Objects Based on Multiple Dependencies

  • Managing event sources during runtime


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of Docker, container concepts, and VMs
  • Knowledge of Kubernetes principles and tools
  • Experience with Linux distributions and CLI


  • Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
 7 Hours

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