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Course Outline
Networking in Depth
- What is a socket?
- Clients and servers
- HTTP vs websockets
- TCP/UDP networking
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and configuring Node.js
- Installing and configuring Express
- Installing and configuring Socket.IO
Socket.IO Quick Start
- Creating a chat application
Slack a Real-Time Web Application
- Setting up data and classes
- Creating a slack clone
- Refactoring code
- Sending data through a connection
Performance Monitoring
- Obtaining performance data
- Working with clusters
- Connecting a Node client to Socket.IO server
- Using React components
- Streaming data
Testing the Application
- Testing with unit tests and mock tests
Debugging the Application
- Handling errors
Deploying the Application
- Deploying a real-time web application
- Hosting a real-time web application
Securing the Application
- Hiding data and APIs
Summary and Conclusion
- An understanding of Node.js
- JavaScript experience
- Network Engineers
14 Hours