Course Outline


Overview of Leadership Development for Engineers

  • Leadership competency framework
  • Engineering leadership

Using Strengths to be an Effective Leader

  • Assessing your personality and talents
  • Focusing on your strengths

Applying Values to Leadership

  • Assessing your core values
  • Aligning and applying values to leadership

Managing Stress to Improve Leadership Style

  • Assessing your emotional intelligence
  • Emotional stress
  • Strategies to manage stress

Making Decisions as a Leader

  • Assessing your decision-making style
  • Moving from data to action

Solving Problems Creatively

  • Analytical versus creative problem solving
  • Obstacles to creative problem solving
  • Assessing your creative style

Working as a Leader of a Team

  • Collaboration
  • Feedback and active listening
  • Influence and motivation

Dealing With Challenging Situations

  • Conflict management
  • Courageous communication
  • Managing emotional reactions

Building a Plan to Develop Leadership Skills

  • Leadership development plan
  • Performance improvement and goal setting
  • Creating a motivating work environment

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience working in an engineering team


  • Engineering Leaders
  • Engineers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (1)