Introduktion till Ansible
- Mycket kort historik och anledning till utvecklingen av Ansible
- Kort jämförelse med Saltstack och andra
- Fördelar och begränsningar med att använda Ansible
Snabba exempel
- Distribuera konfiguration av Apache-server
- Hantera ändringar i konfigurationen
- Roller
- Inbegripande
- Variabler
- Filter
- Villkorssatser
- Loopar
- Accelererat läge
- Asynkrona åtgärder
- Poolning
- Torrkörning
- Delegering, Roling-uppdateringar och lokala åtgärder
- Hantering av fel
- Uppslagningar
- Uppmanas
- Taggar
- Valv
- Köra spelböcker interaktivt
Hantering av moduler
- Installera moduler
- Översikt över vanliga moduler
- Ansible Galax
- AWX-projektet
- Strategier för testning
- YAML-syntax
Linux/Unix-administrationskunskaper krävs.
Vittnesmål (7)
Tränarnas kunskaper i ämnet var mycket Good.
Fayaz - Skillsoft
Kurs - Managing Configuration with Ansible
Machine Translated
Stay positive and excited as you are. It was the best training experience in my career!!
Mateusz Feliszewski - Global Knowledge Network Training Limited
Kurs - Managing Configuration with Ansible
Methodology theory and practice.
Kurs - Managing Configuration with Ansible
The knowledge and helpfulness of the trainer.
Graham Gill - Global Knowledge
Kurs - Managing Configuration with Ansible
Staring at the complete begin, and building up slowly with a lot of examples
Jeroen Ledeboer - Global Knowledge
Kurs - Managing Configuration with Ansible
That the trainer gave as tasks to try or to guess what is the solution is (instead of presenting the solutions).
Jeannette Eichholz
Kurs - Managing Configuration with Ansible
The most thing I liked was how this training was organized. It was interactive and we had access to the training's solutions and there was no need to ask for help at minor issues. This Titus could focus on major issues.