Avancerad iOS utveckling
- iOS Arkitektur för företag.
- Designmönster
- Protokollorienterad programmering
RxSwift Rambestämmelser.
- Funktionell programmering vs reaktiv programmering
- Reactive tillägg
Alamofire Networking Bibliotek
- Plattform som en tjänst
- Webbtjänster och Alamofire
Avancerat Swift och protokoll Programming
- Använda uppräkningar
- Utveckla protokoll
- Arbeta med ombud
- Skriva protokolltillägg
- Skapa rekursiva funktioner
- Arbeta med datastrukturer och algoritmer
Reactive Programming i Swift med RxSwift
- Implementera observerbara objekt och prenumerationer
- Använda motiv
- Filtrera, transformera och kombinera operatorer
- Integrera och arbeta med RxCoaCoa
- Implementera MVVM
- Felsöknings- och hanteringsfel
- Integrering av Alamofire i Swift
- Importera filer
- Hämtar data
- Optimera PhotoTagger
Enhets- och UI-testning
- Unit Testing I Swift
- UI-testning i Swift
Sammanfattning och slutsats
- Erfarenhet av iOS utveckling
- iOS Utvecklare
Vittnesmål (4)
The way of transferring knowledge and the knowledge of the trainer.
Jakub Rękas - Bitcomp Sp. z o.o.
Kurs - Machine Learning on iOS
Pacing, depth, and explanations were all superb. It's clear Scott is an expert on the subject and learning from him was super enjoyable.
Ben Leiken - SurveyMonkey
Kurs - Reactive Programming for iOS with RxSwift
He's an experienced trainer with a real life experience in the topic he was teaching. That led the course to cover the most important topics which interests any developer working in the field, and small details would be easily overseen if he was not working in this platform. Moreover, he was giving the course using the latest versions of is and Swift (10 \ 3) and that is a huge advantage to be adapting such new technology in short time.
Abdullah Alaradi - Thiqah Business Services
Kurs - iPhone and iPad Development in Swift for iOS 8 and Xcode 6
Antonio gave is much background information, best practices and showed us useful tools to speed up our development process.