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Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
- Översikt över Flask funktioner och arkitektur
- Flask grunderna i ramverket
Komma igång
- Installerar Flask och PyMongo
- Konfigurera MongoDB
- Avancerade Flask integrationer
Bygga ett RESTful API
- Skapa en datamodell
- Transformera och validera data
- Utföra CRUD-operationer
- Felhantering
Testa och distribuera Microservices
- Containerisering och orkestrering
- Köra enhets- och integrationstester
- Distribuera applikationer till Amazon EC2
Sammanfattning och nästa steg
- En förståelse för Flask
- Python erfarenhet av programmering
- Utvecklare
14 timmar
Vittnesmål (1)
It was a though course as we had to cover a lot in a short time frame. Our trainer knew a lot about the subject and delivered the content to address our requirements. It was lots of content to learn but our trainer was helpful and encouraging. He answered all our questions with good detail and we feel that we learned a lot. Exercises were well prepared and tasks were tailored accordingly to our needs. I enjoyed this course