Introduktion till automatiserad testning
- Testa koncept
- Möjligheter och begränsningar för Selenium
- Förstå lokaliseringsanordningar
- ID, CSS, XPath och namnlokaliseringstyper
Avancerade lokaliserare
- Dynamiska lokaliserare
- Bygger en väg
- Lokalisera element med önskad text
- Bästa metoder
Selenium WebDriver
- Java IDE
- WebDriver API
- Påståenden
- Anteckningar
- Test svit
- Parametrar
- Testning i flera webbläsare
Avancerad Selenium WebDriver
- Dynamiskt innehåll
För maximal nytta:
- Viss erfarenhet av mjukvaruutveckling (rekommenderas)
- Allmän förståelse för webbaserade applikationer (önskvärt)
- Kunskap om Java programmering (nyttigt)
Vittnesmål (7)
To start Lukasz asked my background and what I wanted to get out of the training, I feel he then tailored is approach to deliver to my requirements As an Introduction to Selenium the course provided the exact level and detail that I was requiring.
Jonathan Ritson - Real Training Services
Kurs - Introduction to Selenium
Professional presentation by trainer as well as trainer is well versed in subject and very patient with student.
Kenita Hooks - Prophasys
Kurs - Introduction to Selenium
The professionalism, patience and thorough knowledge of the subject as well as the demonstration of multiple ways to solve a problem.
Kenita Hooks - Prophasys
Kurs - Introduction to Selenium
I really enjoyed the cases and challenges.
Conall de Butler - Streamline Vacation Rental Software
Kurs - Introduction to Selenium
Marnie was very helpful. She didn't only instruct, she assisted.
Andrea Park - Streamline Vacation Rental Software
Kurs - Introduction to Selenium
A very good introduction and overview of Selenium
Tim Hunter - Mr
Kurs - Introduction to Selenium
I really enjoyed the coding part.