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Vad är domändriven design (DDD)
- Bygga domänkunskap
Det allestädes närvarande språket
- Behovet av ett gemensamt språk
- Skapa det allestädes närvarande språket
- Byggstenarna i en modelldriven design
- Skiktad arkitektur
- Enheter
- Värde objekt
- Tjänster
- Modules
- Aggregat
- Fabriker
- Databaser
Omstrukturering mot djupare insikt
- Kontinuerlig refaktorisering
- Lyft fram viktiga begrepp i ljuset
Bevara modellens integritet
- Avgränsad kontext
- Kontinuerlig integrering
- Kontext Karta
- Delad kärna
- Kund-Leverantör
- Konformistiska
- Lager för skydd mot korruption
- Skilda vägar
- Öppna värdtjänsten
- Destillering
14 timmar
Vittnesmål (5)
That we could you real life examples
Elria Slabber - Glacier by Sanlam
Kurs - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
His is well versed on the subject and has good domain knowledge.
Bonke Tshongweni - Glacier by Sanlam
Kurs - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
We received a lot of information that gives us an idea how complex DDD can be. That requires us to do more research and read a lot for us to become expert - and that is the reality. We did a lot of small and medium exercises.
Phoebe Mailwane - Glacier by Sanlam
Kurs - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
I enjoyed the interaction of the group to solve the issues.
Evan O'Gorman
Kurs - Introduction to Domain Driven Design
I really enjoyed the real examples and exercises.