Översikt över Docker och Kubernetes
Översikt över OpenShift Container Platform Architecture
Skapa containerbaserade tjänster
Hantera containrar
Skapa och hantera containeravbildningar
Distribuera program med flera containrar
Konfigurera ett OpenShift-kluster
Säkring av OpenShift containerplattform
Övervakning OpenShift Containerplattform
Distribuera program på OpenShift Container Platform med hjälp av Source-to-Image (S2I)
Hantera lagring
Avslutande kommentarer
- En förståelse för containerkoncept
- Systemadministration eller DevOps erfarenhet
- Erfarenhet av kommandoraden Linux
- Systemadministratörer
- Arkitekter
- Utvecklare
Vittnesmål (7)
Reda explanations and he simplified alot of the understanding
Eric Van Wyk
Kurs - Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators
The labs were the best. Very practical and provides hands-on experience. I personally think that it is the most effective means of truly understanding the course and applying the concepts that were covered.
Hishaam Johnstone
Kurs - Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators
I loved the willingness to help and explain further when uncertain
Letlotlo Miffi
Kurs - Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators
Adriano studied the subject very deeply which is the style i mostly prefer ie: less about the commands more on the mechanism behind it. Discussed scenarios were well supported by the practical examples which helped a lot to understand the presented stuff.
Mariusz BANASZCZYK - Sopra Steria
Kurs - Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift for Administrators
Deep knowledge of Adriano. Explanation of base concepts
Tomasz Szałankiewicz - LPP SA
Kurs - Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift for Administrators
I generally liked the presenter.
Josif Kovacevic - ANZ
Kurs - Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift for Administrators
Adrian clearly knows and enjoys this technology.