Alteryx Översikt
- Vad är Alteryx?
- Alteryx funktioner
Förbereda utvecklingsmiljön
- Installera och konfigurera Alteryx
Inmatning och läsning
- Ansluter datakällor till Alteryx
- Importerar data
- Använda inmatningsverktyget
- Använda databeredningsverktyg och analysverktyg
- Arbetar med föreningar och fackföreningar
- Använder olika pivotmetoder
- Aggregerande data
- Rapporteringslayouter
- Exportera rapporter
Sammanfattning och slutsats
- Data Analysis förståelse
- Dataanalytiker
Vittnesmål (6)
Use cases were awesome! and Ray involved each and every one of us in each use case.
Zara - Trench Ltd
Kurs - Alteryx for Data Analysis
Provide slides, videos, etc in advance.
Natalia - Trench Ltd
Kurs - Alteryx for Data Analysis
Ray was really knowledgeable and also really enthusiastic. He was able to hold my attention. The training plan was logical and he was able to adapt it to answer specific questions. He was easy to understand and was able to simplify some complex topics. A great trainer!
Lillian - Trench Ltd
Kurs - Alteryx for Data Analysis
How there was time given to work through examples of issues we were facing on the ground.
Thomas Bryson - NHS England
Kurs - Alteryx for Data Analysis
Trainer flexibility in the following areas: 1. Shifting the agenda to address some questions I had which required the introduction of some Alteryx tools which Pedro had initially planned to introduce later. 2. Accommodating actual use cases in our hands-on exercise. 3. Tweaking of the agenda to include some machine learning concepts albeit at a high level.
HK Lim - HK-Lim
Kurs - Alteryx for Data Analysis
Dela med dig av exempel på program
Kurs - Alteryx for Data Analysis
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