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Embedded Linux Systems Architecture
35 timmarNetApp ONTAP
35 timmarTensorFlow Lite for Embedded Linux
21 timmarLEDE: Set Up a Linux Wireless Router
7 timmarYocto Project
28 timmarLast Updated:
Kanske kunde fler övningar vara bättre för lerning men tiden var för lite
Gianpiero Arico' - Urmet Spa
Kurs - Embedded Linux Systems Architecture
Machine Translated
I thought the content (both theory and practical) was excellent, and exactly what we were wanting/expecting. The exercises were challenging but achievable.
Mike Kleinau - iVolve
Kurs - Introduction to Embedded Linux (Hands-on training)
That the trainer adapts to our needs
Kurs - The Yocto Project - An Overview - hands-on
I really enjoy having a virtual PC online, I can do exercises whenever I want
Dongfu Li - Northforge Innovations Inc
Kurs - Yocto Project
I liked the hands-on nature of it.
Maurice Egan
Kurs - Embedded Linux Kernel and Driver Development
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