Vad är en mall?
Syfte och ursprung SysML
SysML och dess diagram
Föreslagen strategi
Översikt över Cameo Systems Modeler (MagicDraw)
Modellering av krav
Diagram över användningsfall
Sekvens diagram
Krav Diagram
Fallstudie med Cameo Systems Modeler
Strukturell modellering
Diagram över blockdefinition
Internt blockdiagram
Paket diagram
Fallstudie med Cameo Systems Modeler
Dynamisk modellering
Aktivitet Diagram
Status diagram
Animation Modell
Fallstudie med Cameo Systems Modeler
Tvärfunktionell modellering
Parametriskt diagram
Allokering och spårbarhet
Tillbaka till kraven
Fallstudie med Cameo Systems Modeler
Erfarenhet av systemteknik
Vittnesmål (5)
Öva övningar i EA.
Paweł - Krajowa Szkoła Skarbowości
Kurs - UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)
Machine Translated
Tränarens erfarenhet.
Yiye Shen - Ansys
Kurs - SysML model simulation using Cameo Simulation Toolkit
Machine Translated
-Knowledge of the teacher in the subject was really good. He was able to explain very nicely and was able to answer all the questions at that moment. -To be able to know what all the tool is capable of was really good. -The structure he showed, like using scenarios and traceability would be really helpful in my day-to-day work.
Harsha Jain - Scania CV AB
Kurs - Introduction to Enterprise Architect
Great knowledge.
Marie - Forsvarets forkningsinstitutt
Kurs - Systems Modeling with SysML and Enterprise Architect (EA)
Instructor was very engaged and helpful.