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Applied AI from Scratch
28 timmarDeep Learning for Vision
21 timmarDeep Learning with TensorFlow 2
21 timmarTensorFlow Serving
7 timmarDeep Learning with TensorFlow
21 timmarTensorFlow for Image Recognition
28 timmarTensorFlow Extended (TFX)
21 timmarUnderstanding Deep Neural Networks
35 timmarLast Updated:
The trainer explained the content well and was engaging throughout. He stopped to ask questions and let us come to our own solutions in some practical sessions. He also tailored the course well for our needs.
Robert Baker
Kurs - Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0
Tomasz really know the information well and the course was well paced.
Raju Krishnamurthy - Google
Kurs - TensorFlow Extended (TFX)
Organization, adhering to the proposed agenda, the trainer's vast knowledge in this subject
Ali Kattan - TWPI
Kurs - Natural Language Processing with TensorFlow
Very updated approach or CPI (tensor flow, era, learn) to do machine learning.
Paul Lee
Kurs - TensorFlow for Image Recognition
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