Malmö, Stadskärna
NobleProg Malmö, Carlsgatan 10C, Malmö, sweden, 21120
Beläget 200 m från Citytunneln och Centralstationen, flygbussar och tåg till Köpenhamn.
Explore Our Courses
BDD with Python and Behave
7 timmarBDD for Non-Programmers: Live Workshop
14 timmarSpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET
21 timmarJBehave: BDD with Java
7 timmarCucumber: Implementing BDD with Java
7 timmarTesting Ruby applications with RSpec
7 timmarLast Updated:
Vittnesmål (7)
Very broad overview of the subject matter that ran through all the prerequisite knowledge in ways appropriate to the course knowledge.
James Hurburgh - Queensland Police Service
Kurs - SpecFlow: Implementing BDD for .NET
It was easy to understand and to implement.
Thomas Young - Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Kurs - Robot Framework: Keyword Driven Acceptance Testing
tools and methods introduced to identify user roles and making scenarios.
Wai Kit Fung - Hospital Authority
Kurs - Cucumber.js: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Javascript
To get acquainted with the screenplay pattern and learn why this is better dan the old pattern.
Peter Moors
Kurs - Serenity BDD for Automated Acceptance Tests
The fact that we used real live examples from my job.
Mark Scerri Pace - Arnold Media Ltd.
Kurs - BDD for Non-Programmers: Live Workshop
As mentioned the last hour we discussed and practiced the 'Example mapping' method. Also nice that we had a pdf (from a website) that the trainer created with a lot of information.
Osman Chalaby - Vanderlande
Kurs - Cucumber: Implementing Behavior Driven Development (BDD) with Cucumber
One-to-one session which gave me the option to focus on the area most revel ant to my need.
Alex Liu
Kurs - BDD - Behavioral testing of IT systems
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