Hive Översikt
- Arkitektur och design
- Aata typer
- SQL stöd i Hive
- Skapa Hive tabeller och fråga
- Skiljeväggar
- Går med
- Textbehandling
- labs : olika labs för bearbetning av data med Hive
DQL (Data Query Language) i detalj
- SELECT-sats
- Kolumnalias
- Tabellalias
- Datumtyper och datumfunktioner
- Gruppfunktion
- Bord ansluter
- JOIN-klausul
- UNION operatör
- Kapslade frågor
- Korrelerade underfrågor
Vittnesmål (7)
I thought he did a great job of tailoring the experience to the audience. This class is mostly designed to cover data analysis with HIVE, but me and my co-worker are doing HIVE administration with no real data analytics responsibilities.
ian reif - Franchise Tax Board
Kurs - Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL
Fulvio was able to grasp our companies business case and was able to correlate with the course material, almost instantly.
Samuel Peeters - Proximus Group
Kurs - Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL
The high level principles about Hive, HDFS..
Geert Suys - Proximus Group
Kurs - Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL
The trainer was fantastic and really knew his stuff. I learned a lot about the software I didn't know previously which will help a lot at my job!
Steve McPhail - Alberta Health Services - Information Technology
Kurs - Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL
I was benefit from the competence and knowledge of the trainer.
Jonathan Puvilland
Kurs - Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL
I enjoyed the dynamic interaction and “hands-on” the subject, thanks to the Virtual Machine, very stimulating!.
Philippe Job
Kurs - Data Analysis with Hive/HiveQL
Liked very much the interactive way of learning.