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Översikt över kommersiella robotar
Designa roboten Arduino
Programming Grunder: loopar, villkor, variabler, funktioner och parametrar
Montering av hårdvarukomponenterna i en Arduino robot
Programming Arduino-roboten
Testar roboten Arduino
Avslutande kommentarer
- Programming erfarenhet på vilket språk som helst
28 timmar
Vittnesmål (3)
I feel I get the core skills I need to understand how the ROS fits together, and how to structure projects in it.
Dan Goldsmith - Coventry University
Kurs - ROS: Programming for Robotics
Praktiskt arbete
James - Argent Energy
Kurs - Introduction to IoT Using Arduino
Machine Translated
The aquisition of useful knowlwdge and clarification of some things I was not sure of peviously.