Komma igång med Knime
- Vad är KNIME?
- KNIME Analys
- KNIME Server
Machine Learning
- Teori om datorinlärning
- Datoralgoritmer för beräkningserfarenhet
Förbereda utvecklingsmiljön
- Installera och konfigurera KNIME
- Lägga till noder
- Accessing och läsning av data
- Sammanfoga, dela och filtrera data
- Gruppera och pivotera data
- Uppgifter om rengöring
- Skapa arbetsflöden
- Importera data
- Förbereda data
- Visualisera data
- Skapa en beslutsträdsmodell
- Arbeta med regressionsmodeller
- Förutsäga data
- Jämföra och matcha data
- Arbeta med slumpmässiga skogstekniker
- Använda polynomregression
- Tilldela klasser
- Utvärdera modeller
Sammanfattning och slutsats
- Erfarenhet av Python
- R-upplevelse
- Datavetare
Vittnesmål (5)
Day 1 and Day 2 were really straight forward for me and really enjoyed that experience.
Mareca Sithole - Africa Health Research Institute
Kurs - R Fundamentals
Very useful in because it helps me understand what we can do with the data in our context. It will also help me
Nicolas NEMORIN - Adecco Groupe France
Kurs - KNIME Analytics Platform for BI
The pace was just right and the relaxed atmosphere made candidates feel at ease to ask questions.
Rhian Hughes - Public Health Wales NHS Trust
Kurs - Introduction to Data Visualization with Tidyverse and R
Michael the trainer is very knowledgeable and skillful about the subject of Big Data and R. He is very flexible and quickly customize the training meeting clients' need. He is also very capable to solve technical and subject matter problems on the go. Fantastic and professional training!.
Xiaoyuan Geng - Ottawa Research and Development Center, Science Technology Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Kurs - Programming with Big Data in R
I enjoyed the Excel sheets provided having the exercises with examples. This meant that if Tamil was held up helping other people, I could crack on with the next parts.