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Deep Learning for Vision with Caffe
21 timmarComputer Vision with Python
14 timmarDeep Learning for Self Driving Cars
21 timmarComputer Vision with SimpleCV
14 timmarHardware-Accelerated Video Analytics
14 timmarReal-Time Object Detection with YOLO
7 timmarPaddlePaddle
21 timmarPattern Matching
14 timmarScilab
14 timmarComputer Vision with OpenCV
28 timmarPython and Deep Learning with OpenCV 4
14 timmarLast Updated:
Trainer was very knowlegable and very open to feedback on what pace to go through the content and the topics we covered. I gained alot from the training and feel like I now have a good grasp of image manipulation and some techniques for building a good training set for an image classification problem.
Anthea King - WesCEF
Kurs - Computer Vision with Python
I genuinely enjoyed the hands-on approach.
Kevin De Cuyper
Kurs - Computer Vision with OpenCV
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Computer Vision Konsult
Helg Computer Vision kurs, kvällComputer Vision utbildning, Computer Vision bootcamp, Computer Vision instruktörledd, Helg Computer Vision utbildning, Kväll Computer Vision kurs, Computer Vision coaching, Computer Vision instruktör, Computer Vision tränare, Computer Vision kurs, Computer Vision klasser, Computer Vision on-site, Computer Vision privata kurser, Computer Vision en till en utbildning